When creating this magazine cover task, I always did some research for every task such as the magazine cover to get some inspiration.
For my magazine cover the improved and latest one, I had a bit of a problem trying to find the right main color. Since the model in the magazine cover wore yellow, I went to google and searched up 'Magazine cover yellow' and found a magazine cover that I like:
In this magazine cover, the wording color font looks eye catching and fits perfectly with the model's color dress. The creator balanced out the both yellow and white color font perfectly and it doesn't look too much.
As my target audience are teenagers, I did some research on magazine for teen and I notice most are very bright and the magazine cover is full with cover lines:
For my magazine cover, I've done something similar by using the color yellow and white. My target audience are teenagers so I need a way to make my magazine cover look bright and eye catching a bit like the magazine cover above so I used the color black mostly for outline to create that effect and tried to fill some empty space with cover line but I don't want to go overboard as my magazine is a self care magazine.
For my table of contents, I got inspired by this table of content as it looks very organize and soft which is what I'm looking for. As my magazine cover is quite bright, I wanted my table of content look different.
Instead of using black font like the table of content above, I've used green color font to give it a unique look and used italic font to give it an elegant look. I also used white font for wording on the images so it wouldn't blend in with the images.
For the contents, I did some more research and I found some things that people found important to work on as their self care such as eating right and effective routine so I included this in my table of content. I also included some suggestions idea such as best self-care books and self-love playlist that I think would be useful for self care.
When searching for double spread page in a magazine, I noticed some interviewed the model and asked about their life and how they've been and what they are going through. Readers especially teens, loves reading this kind of stuff as they might relate to it too.
I also did something similar but the interview is based on the model's college life and how he handles it. I also added a short article about doing what you love. I think both goes perfectly for the magazine as teens could relate to this as we struggle a lot in school with fitting in and balancing out our college life.