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  • Writer's pictureFiqah

Magazine Cover (Final Edit)

For my magazine cover final edit, I didn't change it that much from the one before. Most of the changes are based on my teacher's feedback, Miss Nana.

First of, I changed my tagline from 'A Self-Care Lifestyle' to 'The Ultimate Self-Care Magazine'. This is because the tagline before sounds too general. I also changed the color from faded black to just black so it stands out a bit.

I also changed my dateline/price line. Before this, I didn't realize that I forgot to give a price for my magazine. The price for the magazine is $3.50. Based on research, most magazine are around $5 and I want my magazine to be affordable. I put my date line and also price line together as it looks appropriate together. I also made the color font a bit darker than before since the one before blended a bit with the background.

For the cover lines, I've changed and remove some and also added some new ones. I removed my 'Time Management' cover line since it looked too plain to me and replaced it with 'The best self-care BOOKS you'll want to read'. For this cover line, I chose a basic normal white font so it wouldn't look too much but I made the 'BOOKS' part all capital so readers can see straight forward what that cover line is about.

I kept my 'SELF Prioritizing' cover line since to me, this is what self-care is mostly about. I changed the 'SELF' part since the old one didn't really match with the overall magazine. For this, I've used a thick font with color yellow to match with the rest with black outline so it stands out a bit. I also used italic because it looked too plain without it. I also gave space in between each letter so it doesn't look too packed together. For the 'Prioritizing' part, I still used the same as before but this time, I didn't use cap for all so the 'SELF' part stands out more. I also added some yellow glow at the back so it matches with the rest.

I also added a new cover line 'Start Eating Right' to fill up the empty space. I used a writing looking white font with yellow outline for the 'Start' and 'right' part. While the 'EATING' part, I used thick 3-D looking font so it 'pops' more than the 'Start' and 'right' part as it is the main subject. I also used a dotted line in between each cover line so it doesn't look confusing.

This is the overall of my final edit magazine cover:

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